Monday, January 26, 2009

Good Luck in the Year of the Ox!

Add to your collection with a USPS Chinese New Year 2009 stamp.

Today, January 26th begins the 15 day long festivities that continue until February 9th 2009 ending with the Lantern Festival. The Chinese New Year is said to be the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays.  It is also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar Festival.

Celebrate with red  - the color red in Chinese culture symbolizes good luck and is supposed to ward off evil spirits.  

Hmmm . . . red and evil spirits, that reminds me today is the birthday of a friend, the author of several vampire novels, Frances Nordan. (I do not believe that Frances thinks vampires are exactly evil spirits, but there are many folks that do) - Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true.

As to luck in this New Year of the Ox, according to Chinese belief, the Ox is a symbol of wealth and success through hard work and resilience. I say, with that thought in mind, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Which brings me to today's birthday salute. Do you remember the story of Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates?  Today we celebrate the birthday of the American children's writer and editor, Mary Mapes Dodge (January 26, 1831 – August 21, 1905).  She is best known for her novel Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates.  Little Hans was a very hard worker.  May we all be as lucky as Hans to have a caring heart and a helping hand when needed. (Hans lets another child, that needed the money more, win the silver skates - Dr. Boekman helps Hans go to medical school and Hans becomes a very successful doctor.) 

过年好! ɡuò nián hǎo - Happy New Year!

恭喜发财!ɡōnɡ xǐ fā cái - I wish You Great Prosperity!

牛年吉祥! niú nián jí xiáng  Good Luck in the Year of the Ox!

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