Saturday, May 8, 2010

Meandering around and around . . .

Today is the birthday of Friedrich August von Hayek (May 8, 1899 – March 23, 1992), economist and philosopher. In 1974 he shared the Nobel Prize in Economics with Gunnar Myrdal.

"Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded." - Friedrich August von Hayek

"We must make the building of a free society once more an intellectual adventure, a deed of courage." - Friedrich August von Hayek

"We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much that we have done was very foolish." - Friedrich August von Hayek

"Unless we can make the philosophic foundations of a free society once more a living intellectual issue, and its implementation a task which challenges the ingenuity and imagination of our liveliest minds, the prospects of freedom are indeed dark." - Friedrich August von Hayek

"A society that does not recognise that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom." - Friedrich August von Hayek

Friedrich August von Hayek image source (1)

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