Saturday, May 15, 2010

Meandering on the yellow brick road . . .

Today is the birthday of Lyman Frank Baum (May 15,1856 - May 6, 1919), author, newspaper editor, actor, screenwriter and film producer.

He is best known as L. Frank Baum the author of the children's novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

"Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again." - L. Frank Baum

"I believe that dreams — day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain machinery whizzing — are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization." - L. Frank Baum

"When I was young I longed to write a great novel that should win me fame. Now that I am getting old my first book is written to amuse children. For aside from my evident inability to do anything great, I have learned to regard fame as a will-o-the-wisp which, when caught, is not worth the possession; but to please a child is a sweet and lovely thing that warms one's heart and brings its own reward." - L. Frank Baum

"I think the world is like a great mirror, and reflects our lives just as we ourselves look upon it. Those who turn sad faces toward the world find only sadness reflected. But a smile is reflected in the same way, and cheers and brightens our hearts." - L. Frank Baum

"Never give up. No one knows what's going to happen next." - L. Frank Baum

Baum image source (1)

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