Friday, July 3, 2009

Meandering in circles . . .

Today is the birthday of Franz Kafka (July 3, 1883 – June 3, 1924), author. He is considered one of the major fiction writers of the 20th century.

"A stair not worn hollow by footsteps is, regarded from its own point of view, only a boring something made of wood." - Franz Kafka

"Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old." - Franz Kafka

"The relationship to one's fellow man is the relationship of prayer, the relationship to oneself is the relationship of striving; it is from prayer that one draws the strength for one's striving." - Franz Kafka

"One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die." - Franz Kafka

"The mediation by the serpent was necessary. Evil can seduce man, but cannot become man." - Franz Kafka

"You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet." - Franz Kafka

"He who seeks does not find, but he who does not seek will be found." - Franz Kafka

"By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired." - Franz Kafka

Trivia bit: "As his dying wish, writer Franz Kafka asked that all his manuscripts be burned. If he were alive today, Kafka would be sorely disappointed. Not only is he widely regarded as one of the greatest authors of the 20th century, but his name has become a part of standard English; the adjective 'Kafkaesque' is used to describe situations and people that are surreal, disorienting, and often menacing." direct quote source (1)

Czech Kafka stamp image source (1)
Deutshland Kafka stamp image source (
Israel Kafka stamp image source (1)

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