Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just meandering . . .

Today is the birthday of Thomas Stearns Eliot (September 26, 1888 – January 4, 1965), poet, playwright, and literary critic. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948.

"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
- T. S. Eliot

"We die to each other daily. What we know of other people is only our memory of the moments during which we knew them. And they have changed since then. To pretend that they and we are the same is a useful and convenient social convention which must sometimes be broken. We must also remember that at every meeting we are meeting a stranger."
- T. S. Eliot

Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
- T. S. Eliot

"Every experience is a paradox in that it means to be absolute, and yet is relative; in that it somehow always goes beyond itself and yet never escapes itself."
- T. S. Eliot

I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates."
- T. S. Eliot

If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?"
- T. S. Eliot

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
- T. S. Eliot

Every moment is a fresh beginning."
- T. S. Eliot

Eliot image source (1)

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