Monday, December 7, 2009

Meandering about . . .

Today is the birthday of Willa Siebert Cather (December 7, 1873 – April 24, 1947), author. She is best known for her novels of frontier life on the Great Plains of North America.

"The history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman." - Willa Cather

"It does not matter much whom we live with in this world, but it matters a great deal whom we dream of." - Willa Cather

"Artistic growth is, more than it is anything else, a refining of the sense of truthfulness. The stupid believe that to be truthful is easy; only the artist, the great artist, knows how difficult it is." - Willa Cather

"There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before; like the larks in this country, that have been singing the same five notes over for thousands of years." - Willa Cather

"Nothing is far and nothing is near, if one desires. The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only one big thing — desire." - Willa Cather

"Where there is great love there are always miracles." - Willa Cather

Cather image source (1)
Cather stamp image source (1)

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